I have taught over 100 tutorials/workshops on various data science, machine learning, mathematics, or programming topics. My goal is to create pathways for learners to advance their knowledge and become independent learners irrespective of where they are on their journey to become better data scientists or better researchers.

University of Washington


Workshop Instructor:

  • Introduction to SQL (lesson website)
  • Introduction to Python, Python for Programmers
  • From Novice to Data Ninja, PyData 2017 Tutorial (youtube recording)
  • Introduction to R
  • Large Scale Image Analysis with Dask (tutorial)
  • Introduction to Unix Shell
  • Version Control with Git&GitHub (introductory & intermediate)
  • Reproducibility and Open Science (repo)
  • Machine Learning, Deep Learning
  • Tensor Decomposition for Computer Vision and Machine Learning
  • Variational Inference
  • Machine Learning in Oceanography (Oceanhackweek Jupyter Notebook Tutorial, ML Overview recording)
  • Machine Learning in Geosciences (GeoSMART 2023)
  • Active Learning
  • GitHub Actions for Scientific Workflows (repo)

Johns Hopkins University


  • Introduction to R
  • A Hands-on Introduction to MATLAB

Teaching Assistant:

  • Probability and Statistics for Engineering
  • Probability and Statistics for Biological Sciences
  • Stochastic Processes with Applications to Finance
  • Mathematical Image Analysis
  • Time Series Analysis
  • Statistical Theory

Financial Math Program Bootcamp Instructor:

  • Linear Algebra with MATLAB
  • Statistics with R
  • Optimization

Software and Data Carpentries

  • Certified Instructor
  • Maintainer for Software Carpentry Programming with Python Lesson (2016-2017)
  • Workshop Organizer
  • Workshop Instructor for Python, R, Shell, Git & Github