Sonar Data Analysis

I co-lead the UW Echospace group, where I collaborate with oceanographers to combine data science, acoustics, mathematics, and software engineering to advance ocean acoustics research. Below are some topics of interest:

Check out our group to learn more about our work.

Passive Acoustic Monitoring

I collaborate with the Orcasound organization on projects engaging the public in listening to underwater sounds through combining the efforts of AI and humans. Together we have participated in the Google Summer of Code program and have worked with many wonderful students from around the world to develop open source software and data sets. Read more on our experience here. Below are more details on some of the projects:

I also work with masters students in the UW Master of Science in Data Science Program (as part of their capstones) on

Data Science for Social Good Projects

I have been involved in the development and implementation of the Data Science for Social Good summer program. I have been a data science lead for projects with diverse stakeholders and I have had the wonderful opportunity to mentor teams of talented students:

Data Science Incubator Projects

Through the Data Science Incubator program I have supported many researchers in their dive into using data-intensive methods to extract information from complex and messy datasets and many of those projects have turned into fruitful long-term collaborations.