Spring 2020
Below are the the topics we aim to cover but time and the order might change.
Week | Tuesday | Thursday | Thursday Section | References (optional) | Assignment |
1. March 30 | Intro to Machine Learning slides |
Linear Regression, Assessing Performance slides, colab |
Pandas exercises, solutions, slides |
[PyDS] Intro, Linear Regression; [ESL] Section 1, 2.3.1 | HW0 due April 8th |
2. April 6 | Bias/Variance Trade-off slides |
Regularization, Ridge Regression slides,colab |
Gradient Descent colab, slides, calculus |
[PyDS] Model Selection, Regularization; [ESL] Section 7.1-7.4, 3.4.1 | HW1 due April 15th |
3. April 13 | Feature Selection, Lasso Regression slides,colab |
Classification Overview slides |
Bias Var & Ridge Lasso slides colab |
[ESL] Section 3.4.2-3.4.3 | HW2 due April 22th |
4. April 20 | Evaluation Metrics, Logistic Regression slides |
Naive Bayes slides |
Logistic Regression colab | [ESL] Section 4.1, 4.4.1-4.4.4, 9.1.2, 9.2.5, 6.6.3, ROC/PR Curves, Scikit-Learn Reference, [PyDS] Naive Bayes | HW3 due April 30th |
5. April 27 | Decision Trees slides |
Ensemble Methods slides |
Random Forest 😆 Random Forest Slides, Gini Impurity Slides, Random Forest colab, Titanic colab |
[ESL] Section 9.2.1-9.2.3,15.1-15.3.2, 10.1,[PyDS] | HW4 due May 7th |
6. May 5 | Nearest Neighbors slides |
Kernel Methods slides |
Method Review Colab , Topics Sheet, Variable Encoding Colab |
[ESL] Section 13.3, Scikit-Learn Reference, CV for groups and time series | HW5 due May 14th |
7. May 11 | Neural Networks slides |
Convolutional Neural Networks, Transfer Learning slides |
Keras & CNN slides, blog slides, cnn_notebook, nn_notebook |
Neural Networks Intro, CNN Intro, Deep Forward Networks, Convolutional Neural Networks | HW6 due May 21st |
8. May 18 | K-means slides |
Assessment, Hierarchical Clustering slides, Dendrogram Details |
Unsupervised Learning :) colab |
[ESL] Section 14.3.6, 14.3.7, 14.3.12 | HW7 due May 28th |
9. May 25 | Dimensionality Reduction PCA slides |
NMF slides |
PCA in higher dimensions 😎 slides! pca_colab! nmf_colab! pca_and_nmf |
PCA, PCA Math NMF, NMF: Recommender Systems, NMF: Learning by Parts |
HW8 due June 4th |
10. June 1 | Nonlinear Embeddings slides |
Guest Lecture by Bernease Herman: Ethics in Machine Learning | Â | Â | Â |